Blog Jadi Buku? Huhuhu..
Dalam suatu percakapan lewat cetingan sama temen sekantor gw [sumpah, besok-besok ganti foto friendster yak!], dia pernah tanya, "Kamu gak mau bikin buku dari blog kamu?"
Wah, gw bisa kontan pingsan tuh kalo bener-bener kejadian kayak gitu. Uhuy, betapa bahagianya gw kalo blog ini bisa berubah wujud jadi buku. Bokap gw juga pernah ngusul gitu. Idih, enak bener yak ngusul. Kayak gw bisa seorang diri menjadikan blog gw jadi buku aja. Lah wong memasarkan blog aja tersaruk-saruk, apalagi menjadikannya sebagai sebuah buku, coba?
Gw siy bahagia lahir batin kalo ada yang suka sama isi blog gw. Apalagi kalo jadi rajin baca, aduuuu.. senengnya bukan kepalang. Gw masih suka bersemu merah kalo ada yang meluangkan waktu untuk posting komen atau sekadar menyapa di YM, memberi kode bahwa dia udah baca blog gw. Kepuasannya tak terkira. Gapapa deh menghabiskan sedikit waktu gw untuk ketak-ketik update blog dulu sebelum bobo, rasanya puwas aja kalo udah abis nulis. Yang bikin bersemu merah juga adalah kalo ada yang 'protes' saat gw lama gak update blog. Widiiihh, sedep deh rasanya!
Citta lebih percaya gw adalah kolumnis humor ketimbang wartawan handal ibukota. Eh, wartawan ibukota aja deeee, gak pake handal, keikeiekeik. Sly bilang gw Srimulat (minus adegan mata kecolok ya Sly!). Rini bilang dia langsung ke Tesco beli coca cola 2 liter (meski dia gak suka minum cocacola) karena baca blog gw. Diani heran gw kekeuh motretin makanan. Arryati jadi tergerak beli kardus-kardus buat ngirim barang pulang setelah baca postingan gw. Victor pake bikin foto anti pembajak blog segala setelah baca ini.
Tuh kan. Itu aja bikin gw deg-degan. Ciyeh. Suit suit...
Apalagi kalo jadi buku coba? Wah wah. Coba mari kita berkhayal sedikit. Gw ke toko buku mana gitu kek ya, trus nemu ada buku gw di salah satu rak. Walah, bisa kalap gw foto-foto di depan buku gw sendiri. Eh, norak ya? Gapapa deh. Mereka pasti ngerti. Kikikikik. Pasti tante gw dulu juga begitu yak pas bukunya terbit, kiekeikeiek..
Nah, sekarang kita lanjutin ngayal. Kalo misalnya ini blog jadi buku, jadi buku macam apakah blog ini? Lah wong isinya acakadut gini. Ntar gw cerita panci berisi apa itu entah warna ijo lah, foto-foto makanan melulu, penemuan 'penting' seperti jangan manasin onde-onde dalam microwave sampai informasi rada berguna soal pritil-pritil hidup di London. Lalu, apa coba yang jadi garis besarnya? Pemudi Jakarta berjuang di London? Halah.. berjuang apanya! Emak gw aja suka cemas karena gw kebanyakan jalan-jalan dan plesir.. sbelah mana berjuang? Well, berjuang siy mewujudkan cita-cita.. ahaayy...
Atau jadi ciklit? Widih widih. Seumur-umur gw baca ciklit itu cuma shopaholic-nya Sophie Kinsella. Itupun cuma yang pertama. Ciklit Indonesia yang gw baca cuma Beauty Case, itupun dapet gratisan pas lauching. Trus ada satu lagi yang ciklit terjemahan, lupa judulnya apa. Referensi gw ya cuma terbatas itu. Gw menikmati sih baca ciklit, apalagi kalo berasa ada nyambung-nyambungnya sama hidup gw. Standar laah.. Tapi ya kadang-kadang anyep aja gitu lho.
Seperti perjalanan gw melawat ke berbagai blog, gw sering jatuh kagum plus suka kontan minder sama tulisan-tulisan orang lain. Gile, ckckckc, decak kagum, geleng kepala dan segala macem komentar deh. Banyak banget orang yang jago nulis yak. Punya blog emang jadi sarana latian nulis siy, dan tentunya gw ikut bangga kalo hobi nulis itu kemudian bisa diwujudkan jadi buku. Gw bisa ikut merasakan kebahagiaan mereka deh.
Jangan lupa juga sama satu contoh nyata blog yang jadi buku. Huhuhu, gimana coba gw gak nangis darah penuh iri. Abisan kan blog itu sesuatu yang personal, tapi kemudian bisa dianggap cukup laku (=cukup bisa bikin orang pengen ngeluarin duit) untuk beli versi bukunya. Gila ya, betapa menjual cerita dan pengalaman, sepersonal apa pun itu, bisa membawa duit. Huhuhuhu, betapa bahagianya. Meskipun ada juga siy yang protes sama buku itu, karena plek-plek sama persis sama blognya. Tapi yaaa teteup aja, bergetarrrrrr pasti rasa hati kalo blog bisa berubah bentuk jadi buku, huhuhuhu... akyu pingin..
Oooo gw tau. Gw bikin buku bunga rampai kehidupan di London aja. Halah, basi banget, kiekeiekeik. Bunga rampaiii.. Oh so last millennium gitu lhoooo.. Atau buku pintar hidup di London? Walah, mendingan kita serahkan saja tugas mulia itu buat Iwan Gayo. Atau serahin ke Mas Israr aja deeehh, hihihi...
Ah mbuh. Yang jelas, impian untuk punya buku dengan nama gw tertera di situ akan gw rawat baik-baik. Ntar sampulnya mesti ada nuansa merah! Lho, kok udah ngayal sampul aja.. hahaha.. Blog jadi buku, biarlah jadi impian dulu. Kalo disertasi, itu kan gak boleh sebatas impian tuh, mesti dikerjain! Kikeiekeikeiek..
Gw jadi teringat Mbak Iis. Dia bilang, kalo disertasi gw gak kelar karena kebanyakan update blog, ntar blognya aja yang dikumpulin! Wikikikik.. ah kamyuuuu... *terpacu update blog, lho*
Wah, gw bisa kontan pingsan tuh kalo bener-bener kejadian kayak gitu. Uhuy, betapa bahagianya gw kalo blog ini bisa berubah wujud jadi buku. Bokap gw juga pernah ngusul gitu. Idih, enak bener yak ngusul. Kayak gw bisa seorang diri menjadikan blog gw jadi buku aja. Lah wong memasarkan blog aja tersaruk-saruk, apalagi menjadikannya sebagai sebuah buku, coba?
Gw siy bahagia lahir batin kalo ada yang suka sama isi blog gw. Apalagi kalo jadi rajin baca, aduuuu.. senengnya bukan kepalang. Gw masih suka bersemu merah kalo ada yang meluangkan waktu untuk posting komen atau sekadar menyapa di YM, memberi kode bahwa dia udah baca blog gw. Kepuasannya tak terkira. Gapapa deh menghabiskan sedikit waktu gw untuk ketak-ketik update blog dulu sebelum bobo, rasanya puwas aja kalo udah abis nulis. Yang bikin bersemu merah juga adalah kalo ada yang 'protes' saat gw lama gak update blog. Widiiihh, sedep deh rasanya!
Citta lebih percaya gw adalah kolumnis humor ketimbang wartawan handal ibukota. Eh, wartawan ibukota aja deeee, gak pake handal, keikeiekeik. Sly bilang gw Srimulat (minus adegan mata kecolok ya Sly!). Rini bilang dia langsung ke Tesco beli coca cola 2 liter (meski dia gak suka minum cocacola) karena baca blog gw. Diani heran gw kekeuh motretin makanan. Arryati jadi tergerak beli kardus-kardus buat ngirim barang pulang setelah baca postingan gw. Victor pake bikin foto anti pembajak blog segala setelah baca ini.
Tuh kan. Itu aja bikin gw deg-degan. Ciyeh. Suit suit...
Apalagi kalo jadi buku coba? Wah wah. Coba mari kita berkhayal sedikit. Gw ke toko buku mana gitu kek ya, trus nemu ada buku gw di salah satu rak. Walah, bisa kalap gw foto-foto di depan buku gw sendiri. Eh, norak ya? Gapapa deh. Mereka pasti ngerti. Kikikikik. Pasti tante gw dulu juga begitu yak pas bukunya terbit, kiekeikeiek..
Nah, sekarang kita lanjutin ngayal. Kalo misalnya ini blog jadi buku, jadi buku macam apakah blog ini? Lah wong isinya acakadut gini. Ntar gw cerita panci berisi apa itu entah warna ijo lah, foto-foto makanan melulu, penemuan 'penting' seperti jangan manasin onde-onde dalam microwave sampai informasi rada berguna soal pritil-pritil hidup di London. Lalu, apa coba yang jadi garis besarnya? Pemudi Jakarta berjuang di London? Halah.. berjuang apanya! Emak gw aja suka cemas karena gw kebanyakan jalan-jalan dan plesir.. sbelah mana berjuang? Well, berjuang siy mewujudkan cita-cita.. ahaayy...
Atau jadi ciklit? Widih widih. Seumur-umur gw baca ciklit itu cuma shopaholic-nya Sophie Kinsella. Itupun cuma yang pertama. Ciklit Indonesia yang gw baca cuma Beauty Case, itupun dapet gratisan pas lauching. Trus ada satu lagi yang ciklit terjemahan, lupa judulnya apa. Referensi gw ya cuma terbatas itu. Gw menikmati sih baca ciklit, apalagi kalo berasa ada nyambung-nyambungnya sama hidup gw. Standar laah.. Tapi ya kadang-kadang anyep aja gitu lho.
Seperti perjalanan gw melawat ke berbagai blog, gw sering jatuh kagum plus suka kontan minder sama tulisan-tulisan orang lain. Gile, ckckckc, decak kagum, geleng kepala dan segala macem komentar deh. Banyak banget orang yang jago nulis yak. Punya blog emang jadi sarana latian nulis siy, dan tentunya gw ikut bangga kalo hobi nulis itu kemudian bisa diwujudkan jadi buku. Gw bisa ikut merasakan kebahagiaan mereka deh.
Jangan lupa juga sama satu contoh nyata blog yang jadi buku. Huhuhu, gimana coba gw gak nangis darah penuh iri. Abisan kan blog itu sesuatu yang personal, tapi kemudian bisa dianggap cukup laku (=cukup bisa bikin orang pengen ngeluarin duit) untuk beli versi bukunya. Gila ya, betapa menjual cerita dan pengalaman, sepersonal apa pun itu, bisa membawa duit. Huhuhuhu, betapa bahagianya. Meskipun ada juga siy yang protes sama buku itu, karena plek-plek sama persis sama blognya. Tapi yaaa teteup aja, bergetarrrrrr pasti rasa hati kalo blog bisa berubah bentuk jadi buku, huhuhuhu... akyu pingin..
Oooo gw tau. Gw bikin buku bunga rampai kehidupan di London aja. Halah, basi banget, kiekeiekeik. Bunga rampaiii.. Oh so last millennium gitu lhoooo.. Atau buku pintar hidup di London? Walah, mendingan kita serahkan saja tugas mulia itu buat Iwan Gayo. Atau serahin ke Mas Israr aja deeehh, hihihi...
Ah mbuh. Yang jelas, impian untuk punya buku dengan nama gw tertera di situ akan gw rawat baik-baik. Ntar sampulnya mesti ada nuansa merah! Lho, kok udah ngayal sampul aja.. hahaha.. Blog jadi buku, biarlah jadi impian dulu. Kalo disertasi, itu kan gak boleh sebatas impian tuh, mesti dikerjain! Kikeiekeikeiek..
Gw jadi teringat Mbak Iis. Dia bilang, kalo disertasi gw gak kelar karena kebanyakan update blog, ntar blognya aja yang dikumpulin! Wikikikik.. ah kamyuuuu... *terpacu update blog, lho*
aduhhh 'kan salah satu fans blog mu llohh... Ga pernah terlewatkeun euy satu lembarpun tulisanmyu.
Aq mendukung deh kalo blog-na jadi buku. Kan jadi kita be2 yg poto-poto norak di depan buku di rak (hihi..)...
btw, makasi yaaaa buku gw dipromosiin lewat blog...pake ada underline segala. pas gw klik, eh, ada masterpiece tercinta.... -- ta2h
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The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.
In the preceding part of this discourse I concluded that (a) the greatest hazard for you as a typical, well-balanced sports Bettor is that you may continually lose more than you win and thereby regularly exhaust your betting funds, and (b) to thoroughly analyse the likelihood of that happening you need to properly address the following questions:
(i) What things could possibly go wrong that would cause you harm?
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The Parlay System is one of the most famous of betting systems that are commonly used in horse racing. Many have said that contrary to other sports betting systems, the Parlay System has a pyramiding effect on your profit which means your winnings are played on successive wagers.
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It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.
So, having established that using a good Selection System is an absolute must if you want to make money from sports betting, how does the average Bettor actually go about making his/her betting selections? My research shows me that, in the main (ignoring the extremes), there are generally two approaches taken:
- The more conservative group looks at the "Short Odds" calls, and plays safe by selecting only those matches where they themselves feel very confident about the outcome.
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If you are a novice gambler you probably haven’t heard the term but professional bettors who earn their livelihood from sports betting use the method all the time taking advantage of the variance in odds from the opinions of the diverse number of bookmakers. Even though it sounds as if it is a no risk situation that may not always be the case and there some issues that can cause you to lose.
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Following the philosophy of pyramiding, what happens in this system is that you place a bet and if you come out a winner you re-invest the winnings on the next wager. So in horse racing, for example, you simply let it ride. Also, unlike the other betting systems, the Parlay System offers a lower amount of risk of all bettors for because they only need be concerned with a win, place or show selection or a combination thereof.
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For quite some time the United States House of Representatives has been trying to pass a bill that will make it much more difficult for people to get away with breaking the online gambling laws. Not to mention stricter penalties for those who are caught.
In the preceding part of this discourse I concluded that (a) the greatest hazard for you as a typical, well-balanced sports Bettor is that you may continually lose more than you win and thereby regularly exhaust your betting funds, and (b) to thoroughly analyse the likelihood of that happening you need to properly address the following questions:
(i) What things could possibly go wrong that would cause you harm?
(ii) How likely is it that those things will go wrong for you?
7.) You can purchase bingo cards according to the time you play your game. Very early mornings and very late nights attract few players and therefore, play with more bingo cards at these times. Although winnings are also lower at these timings, yet chances of winning are better and higher. [url=]online bingo games[/url] The game of online bingo proceeds with the calling of different numbers within 75. You need to notice the trend of the first ten or twelve called numbers to understand the system in operation. If the first called number is say G52, probability of the next number not ending in 2 is higher as there are fewer numbers ending in two than in other digits. [url=]uk online bingo[/url] If you do not know anyone who uses the gaming sites or you want some additional reinforcement your first port of call should be an online bingo community. By reading reviews by other people who use the Bingo sites, you will be able to get a feel for the different sites that exist and make a more qualified decision about which one you would like to use. The knowledge concerning different sites and what other users consider important about them is an invaluable tool for the new online Bingo player. Whether it is for fun or for money, there needs to be an element of integrity within the site and a potential for the player to win the game. The knowledge of other users concerning specific sites will tell the new online Bingo player whether the site is for real or is just masquerading in order to harvest the players email addresses in order to bombard them with spam, or worse con them out of their hard earned cash. This can all be avoided with research and trying before you buy, as mentioned earlier the best places to scope out bingo sites is by using a review site or Bingo members forum.
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Your aim would be to cover the prescribed pattern with the bingo letters, by coordinating the letters and numbers called. The patterns can be anything like, u shape, t shape, etc, though it usually is horizontal or vertical. As soon as you get the pattern, you should shout bingo and you get the prize. In case there are others who shouted at the same time as you, the prize will be shared among all winners.
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