Sunday, December 25, 2005

Besok! Aaaahhh....

BOXING DAY - Alecia Dixon

When is it?
December 26th, Boxing Day takes place on December 26th or the following Monday if December 26 falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

Where did it come from?
Boxing Day began in England, in the middle of the nineteenth century, under Queen Victoria. Boxing Day, also known as St. Stephen's Day, was a way for the upper class to give gifts of cash, or other goods, to those of the lower classes.

How is Boxing Day celebrated?
There seems to be two theories on the origin of Boxing Day and why it is celebrated. The first is that centuries ago, on the day after Christmas, members of the merchant class would give boxes containing food and fruit, clothing, and/or money to trades people and servants. The gifts were an expression of gratitude much like when people receive bonuses, from their employer, for a job well done, today. These gifts, given in boxes, gave the holiday it's name, "Boxing Day".

The second thought is that Boxing Day comes from the tradition of opening the alms boxes placed in churches over the Christmas season. The contents thereof which were distributed amongst the poor, by the clergy, the day after Christmas.

Today, Boxing Day is spent with family and friends with lots of food and sharing of friendship and love. Government buildings and small businesses are closed but the malls are open and filled with people exchanging gifts or buying reduced priced Christmas gifts, cards, and decorations.

Tsrah daaaahh... singkat kata singkat cerita, boxing day adalah diskon gila-gilaan!

Dalam rangka Natal yang suci dan damai ini, mari kita rayakan BESOK dengan BELANJA... ooooh indahnya dunia kalo penuh diskonan begini...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

boxing day adalah ... saat yang tepat untuk membeli oleh-oleh! mumpung lagi winter break dari kuliah kan, beli aja sekarang. daripada nunggu udah deket-deket pulang, nanti malah pusing. tentu saja jangan lupa kakakmu tercinta lah haiiii... :-) -gita-

26/12/05 2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tatah, tatah, tatah...temen chatting 'kan??? inget doonnggg... ga usah repot-repot milih yang mahal-mahal (huyh, sapa pula yang niats?)

27/12/05 2:23 PM  

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