Friday, December 23, 2005


Obviously there is a paradox in the inextricable entanglement of the masses and the media: is it the media that neutralize meaning and that produce the "formless" (or informed) mass; or is it the mass which victoriously resists the media by diverting or by absorbing without reply all the messages which they produce? Are the mass media on the side of power in the manipulation of the masses, or are they on the side of the masses in the liquidation of meaning, in the violence done to meaning? Is it the media that fascinate the masses, or is it the masses who divert the media into showmanship? The media toss around sense and nonsense; they manipulate in every sense at once. No one can control this process: the media are the vehicle for the simulation which belongs to the system and for the simulation which destroys the system, according to a circular logic. (p 220-221)

Poster, Mark ed., 2001. The masses: the implosion of the social in the media. In Jean Baudrillard Selected Writings. Cambridge: Stanford University Press.

Astaga, kenapa bisa Baudrillard ini keren begini yah. Huyeah!


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