Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ternyata... Pantesan...

Ternyata kemaren itu hari paling panas seantero Inggris Tengah dan Selatan... Waaaaa.. pantesan yak kemaren gerahnya bukan kepalaaanggg...

Begini kata BBC:
Wednesday saw record temperatures across central and southern England. The records came after days of intense heat, resulting from very warm air from continental Europe.

This could be a sign of things to come, in fact by around 2040, these temperatures could be recorded on average every other year. In other words this type of summer will be considered ‘normal.’

Woooo ngono.. Wah mesti dicek nih gimana cuaca hari ini. Eits, 29C aja dong. Horeee. Trus bakalan ujan. Aseeeeekkk.. adem adem adem adeeeemmm.. Gapapa deh itu persediaan coca cola 2L dan es krim buat panas-panasan esok lusa aja.

Wah, berarti gw gak ada alasan untuk gak ngerjain disertasi yak. Huhuhuhu. Smangattttttt!


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